Our Initiatives
We are a team of people who have changed our attitude to make a difference. Brenham GameChangers is a movement across our great city to make a difference in people’s lives. A difference for just a moment in time or a difference that reshapes the way they live for a lifetime. Our statement is, we are a team of people who have changed our attitudes to make a difference.

Our Mission
Brenham GameChanger’s (BGC) mission statement is to empower students in Washington County, Texas by fostering character development, offering practical life-skill training, and providing financial assistance to help them afford participation in athletic, performing arts, and scholastic activities. BGC strives to create a supportive environment where every student has the opportunity to use their talents and develop strong character traits to be active contributors to the community.

Recent News
We all have people in our lives who have done things, big or small, which have impacted us to go on to achieve great things or change the way we are feeling for a moment. Think of who your Game Changer is, decide if you are interested in helping with this movement and becoming an
“Agent for Change”!
Our Sponsors